If you are a physician, pharmacist, nurse, or other licensed healthcare provider, and your medical license is under investigation by your state licensing board, I encourage you to retain competent state licensing lawyer immediately, at the start of the investigation. An investigation involving your state license is a complex process governed by state administrative law. Administrative law empowers your state licensing board to investigate you. Administrative law also establishes the progression of steps that comprise the investigation which may, or may not, lead to professional sanctions or discipline. Early preparations, and the avoidance of mistakes throughout the process, will dramatically increase your chances of a good result, or at least enable you to obtain the best result possible under difficult circumstances. An experienced licensing lawyer will manage the complexities of your defense and help identify and address troubling issues well in advance.
Call to learn more
If you need a state licensing lawyer, you are encouraged to review this website for more information, or to call Eli Stutsman, at 503.274.4048, to learn more about his practice.